Support Center

Knowledgebase: Procedures
Returns & Refunds
Posted by Jeff Lamb, Last modified by Jeff Lamb on 11 April 2019 09:09 PM

Electronically Distributed (downloadable) Products & Services

Downloadable products and services are generally non-refundable. Refunds may be issued if the purchased product cannot be installed or made to work as advertised. Refunds are provided only after a support team member has assisted with your installation or has verified the product was properly installed. This may or may not include logging into your site to check your settings and to make any necessary adjustments to our software configuration files. Refunds will not be issued if we do not receive your request for a refund within 30 days of the purchase date.

We cannot process refunds for products or services purchased from another source. Indirect orders of products or services must be handled by the source from which they were purchased and are subject to the policies of that source.

If the product was purchased from ServU Tech and you think you qualify for a refund, follow the steps below to submit a refund request:

  1. Visit the ServU Tech orders page.
  2. Click on the order ID number that contains the item(s) that you want to request a refund for.
  3. Once the order is open, click on the "Request a replacement or a refund" link (contact us if you do not see the link).
  4. Select "Refund" from the drop down box, select the quantity and the reason.
  5. In the comment box, add any information that you feel will help us process your request.
  6. Click the "Return" button.

Once we review your request, we will contact you with further instructions.

Physically Delivered Products

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of the purchase date for a full refund minus the shipping charges and any restocking fees unless otherwise noted in the item's listing. If a product has a restocking fee, it will also be noted in the item's listing.

We cannot process refunds for products purchased from another source. Indirect orders of products must be handled by the source from which they were purchased and are subject to the policies of that source.

If the product was purchased from ServU Tech and you think you qualify for a refund, follow the steps below to submit a refund request:

  1. Visit the ServU Tech orders page.
  2. Click on the order ID number that contains the item(s) that you want to request a refund for.
  3. Once the order is open, click on the "Request a replacement or a refund" link (contact us if you do not see the link).
  4. Select "Replace item" or "Refund" from the drop down box, select the quantity and the reason.
  5. In the comment box, add any information that you feel will help us process your request.
  6. Click the "Return" button.

Once we review your request, we will contact you with further instructions.

You are responsible for all return shipping and handling charges. If you choose to return an item, we recommend using a shipping method that can be tracked and insured for your protection. Once you initiate the return, it is your responsibility to ensure we receive the products so we can continue processing your request. Refunds or exchanges will not be issued if we do not receive the returned item(s) within 30 days of the purchase date.

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