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Knowledgebase: Policies & Terms
Anti-Spam Policy
Posted by Jeff Lamb, Last modified by Jeff Lamb on 10 May 2024 11:12 PM


This is a legal agreement between the person or organization (“Customer” or “you”) agreeing to these Terms of Service (“Terms”) and ServU Tech. When we refer to “ServU Tech,” “we,” “our,” or “us” in this policy, we are referring to ServU Tech, and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates, including ServU Files, ServU Mail and ServU Now. By accepting these Terms, signing an Order, or using the Services, you represent that you are of legal age and have the authority to bind the Customer to the Order, these Terms, and the applicable Service Descriptions (collectively the “Agreement”).

E-mail Communication

ServU Tech utilizes e-mail as a primary communication channel with members. As a member, and by submitting your information on any of the ServU Tech websites, you hereby acknowledge and grant ServU Tech the permission to communicate with you via e-mail (as well as other communication channels such as phone or fax) for any purpose ServU Tech determines to be relevant including, but not limited to, system messages, confirmation messages, newsletters, service announcements and other marketing messages. ServU Tech will use best efforts to honor members' requests to opt-out from receiving e-mails, but under no circumstances will ServU Tech have any liability for sending any e-mail to its users and members.

ServU Tech does not send unsolicited bulk e-mails to members under any circumstances. On the occasion that e-mails are sent to members it is in direct response to the member providing the e-mail address to ServU Tech including, but not limited to, confirmation e-mails on inquiries, opt-in newsletters, opt-in e-mail alerts, follow-up e-mails on inquiries, other follow-up communications related to the member's expressed interest in contacting ServU Tech, requesting support and other voluntary submissions of information with the intent for ServU Tech to provide a service to the member. ServU Tech does not tolerate the transmission of SPAM.

Reporting Unsolicited E-mail

ServU Tech may use multiple e-mail servers to send e-mail. ServU Tech NEVER sends unsolicited or SPAM e-mail. We view SPAM as a serious violation of privacy and a misuse of the Internet in general. If you receive an unsolicited e-mail from one of our ServU Tech domains, please send it immediately to: . Upon receipt of the e-mail, we will do our utmost to track down the offender and take any actions necessary to stop SPAM messages.

How We Define SPAM

We define SPAM as the sending of Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE), Unsolicited Bulk E-mail (UBE) or Unsolicited Facsimiles (Fax), which is e-mail or facsimile sent to recipients as an advertisement or otherwise, without first obtaining prior confirmed consent to receive these communications from the sender. This can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • e-mail Messages.
  • Newsgroup postings.
  • Windows system messages.
  • Pop-up messages (aka "adware" or "spyware" messages).
  • Instant messages (using AOL, MSN, Yahoo or other instant messenger programs).
  • Online chat room advertisements.
  • Facsimile Solicitations.

SPAM Compliance and Prevention

ServU Tech asserts its compliance with the 2003 CAN-SPAM Act.

Consent of Recipient

Commercial electronic messages cannot be sent unless you have the consent of the relevant account-holder. There are two types of consent: express consent or inferred consent.

  • Express Consent
    Consent may be a specific request from an addressee to receive messages from you. For example:
    • The addressee has subscribed to your electronic advertising mailing list;
    • The addressee has deliberately elected to receive messages or advertisements from you; or
    • The addressee has specifically requested such material from you over the telephone.
  • Inferred Consent
    Consent may be inferred by considering the conduct of the addressee and the relationship between you and the addressee. Examples of where consent may be inferred are:
    • An addressee has provided its electronic address when purchasing goods or services in the general expectation that there will be follow-up communications;
    • Online registration of a product or a warranty;
    • Where an addressee has provided its address with the understanding that it would be used in communications.

SPAM Prevention

As an additional measure to prevent the distribution of SPAM via the ServU Tech e-mail servers, ServU Tech utilizes a SPAM 'firewall' to scan every inbound and outbound e-mail message that is sent and received by the ServU Tech e-mail servers. Although no method, either manual, procedural or systemic, is 100% effective in preventing SPAM, the efforts and investment that ServU Tech has made are evidence of our commitment to and understanding of the importance of preventing SPAM.

Prohibited Conduct

ServU Tech encourages you to use our service as long as you abide by the ServU Tech Terms of Use and ServU Tech prohibition on spamming and unethical marketing activities. The following are some examples of spamming that may violate the ServU Tech Terms of Use and Anti-Spam Policy:

  • Registering to become a ServU Tech member for the purpose of spamming.
  • Manipulating identifiers, such as e-mail headers, to disguise the origin of any content transmitted to or through ServU Tech computer systems.
  • Relaying e-mail from a third party's mail servers without the permission of that third party.
  • Using or causing to be used ServU Tech computer systems to facilitate the transmission of unsolicited or unauthorized material. This includes any promotional materials, URLs, "junk mail", "chain letters", "pyramid schemes" or any other form of unauthorized solicitation that you may upload, post, e-mail, transmit, or otherwise make available.
  • Using "robots" or otherwise harvesting other's e-mail addresses from a ServU Tech site for purposes of sending unsolicited or unauthorized material.
  • Uploading, posting, e-mailing, or transmitting the same message, URL, or post multiple times.
  • Disrupting the normal flow of dialogue, or causing the screen to "scroll" faster than other users of the service are able to type, or otherwise acting in a manner that negatively affects other users' ability to engage in real-time exchanges.

Certain ServU Tech services may have additional spam guidelines explaining appropriate conduct for those services. Those additional policies are incorporated by reference into the ServU Tech Anti-Spam Policy. It is the user's responsibility to check each property's guidelines for additional details regarding spam.

Violations of our Terms of Use or this Anti-Spam Policy may result in legal action against you and the termination, without notice, of your ServU Tech account and/or anything associated with it, including, but not limited to, e-mail accounts, clubs, posts, home pages, and profiles. Nothing in this policy is intended to grant any right to transmit e-mail to or through ServU Tech computer systems. ServU Tech does not waive any rights by the failure to enforce this policy in every instance in which it might apply.

NOTICE: Sending unsolicited e-mail advertisements to or through the ServU Tech computer systems will use or cause to be used ServU Tech servers located in Virginia. Any unauthorized use of ServU Tech computer systems is a violation of the ServU Tech Terms of Use, Anti-Spam Policy, and certain federal and state laws, including TITLE 18.2. CRIMES AND OFFENSES GENERALLY CHAPTER 5. CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY ARTICLE 7.1. COMPUTER CRIMES SECTIONS 18.2-152.2, 152.3:1, 152.4, 152.12 of Virginia Code. Such violations may subject the sender and his or her agents to civil and criminal penalties.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us.

Other terms and conditions you must accept:

Privacy Policy
Terms of Use
Terms of Use (Member Area)
Terms of Sale
Remote Support Policy

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